- Homecare service
Exodus Health Care Services
Report from 9 January 2025 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of assessment: 23 to 27 January 2025. The service is a care at home service providing support to people living with a range of needs. We undertook an assessment due to the time since our last assessment and a spike in complaints received. We assessed seven quality statements from the safe, caring, responsive and well-led key questions. The scores for these areas have been combined with scores based on the key question ratings from the last inspection. People were involved in decisions about their care and felt comfortable with staff. They told us staff supported them to be as independent as possible. They respected people’s individual differences, culture and beliefs. People told us they felt comfortable speaking with staff and, overall, felt any concerns raised were dealt with appropriately. Recently the management team had to change care workers rotas to ensure they were getting sufficient breaks between shifts. Staff found this system improved their work life balance and enabled them to have sufficient rest and relaxation between shifts. This had caused some teething difficulties with timings of care calls. However, people told us this had improved and staff stayed the length of time required to meet people’s care needs. There were systems in place to review the quality and safety of care delivery. This included getting regular feedback from people about their experiences of care. Governance systems had identified where improvements were required, including in relation to the quality of daily notes and call times. The management team had implemented more robust systems to monitor these and were in the process of transferring to a fully electronic care records and management system which they expected would further improve the quality and accuracy of recording.
People's experience of this service
People were happy with the care and support they received. They told us, “I only have one lady that comes, she is phenomenal…The woman who comes is amazing, she couldn’t be better if she tried…She is amazing, she knows me and can get on with it.” “They are very good. We have a laugh; they are lovely people.” “I’m very, very happy with my care. They are on the ball and they treat me with respect. They are warm and friendly without being unprofessional.” “The care workers I have are absolutely lovely, they can’t do enough for me.”