- Care home
Alexandra Nursing & Residential Home
Report from 10 January 2025 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of Assessment: 12 to 21 February 2025. The service is a residential nursing home providing support to older people living with dementia and nursing needs. We carried out a comprehensive inspection of the service covering all quality statements in all key questions. Our decision to inspect the service was due to concerns we had received related to the quality of care and support provided. We found no concerns about the quality of care and support when we inspected the service. The service had a good learning culture and people could raise concerns. The management team investigated incidents thoroughly. People were protected and kept safe. There were enough staff with the right skills, qualifications and experience. and staff received training and regular appraisals to maintain high-quality care. Staff managed medicines well. People's needs were assessed and care and treatment delivered in line with people's needs. Care documentation showed care plans had been reviewed on a regular basis. People were referred to local healthcare services as required. Staff followed clinical guidance for people’s care and support. Staff treated people with kindness and acknowledged people as individuals. One person told us, "It's like living with family, living here." Staff told us the registered manager was very supportive and listened to them. There was a calm and supportive atmosphere in the care home. Care was person-centred and people had made choices about how their rooms were decorated and arranged. Staff were responsive to people and ensured they received care and support in line with their preferences and needs. People were treated fairly and equitably. Leaders had the skills, knowledge, experience and credibility to lead effectively. They did so with integrity, openness and honesty. There was good use of data and information systems to produce reports and analyse information to review care and support provided and identify themes and trends.
People's experience of this service
People were positive about the quality of their care at Alexandra Nursing & Residential Home. People told us they felt safe. One person told us, “Oh yes, I feel definitely safe here. The people who look after me are fabulous.” Family members were happy with the quality of care and support provided. A family member told us, “[Relative] is safe because they have plenty of staff who care. They understand [Relative’s] needs. There seems to be enough staff and there are people going in and out all the time. It feels like home here.” People were happy with their rooms and the quality of food provided. We were told, “My room has been made very homely and it could not be better. I always get my own clothes back from the laundry. The food is different each day and fish on a Friday. You can choose something different if you don’t like it.” People had access to local GP services, “They get a doctor to me every Tuesday.” People and their families were happy with the care provided by the staff team. Comments included “They are very nice people. They are helpful and informative. They are well trained.” and “Generally the staff are all lovely. They are lovely with [relative].” People and their families confirmed their needs were met in the care home. People told us, “Everything is lovely and everything has been gone through everywhere. Everything I ask for [relative] gets. Their wheelchair broke and [the staff] scrapped it and got her another one. That was all extra and they did not have to do that. They take [relative] to the opticians.” People confirmed the care home was well run and managed. People told us, “I think it is so well run. The manager is very approachable.” and “Yes, it is excellent and well run. [Registered manager] is a good person to have in charge. She is ever so approachable. I would definitely recommend it here.”