• Care Home
  • Care home

Springfield Care Centre

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Springfield Drive, Ilford, Essex, IG2 6PS (020) 8518 9270

Provided and run by:
Bondcare (London) Limited

Report from 27 November 2024 assessment

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Updated 24 January 2025

Risk assessments had been completed to ensure people received safe care. Staff were recruited safely to ensure they were suitable to work with vulnerable people. There were enough staff to support people. Medicines were being managed safely. Premises safety checks had been carried out. Staff were supported through supervisions and training. Infection prevention and control systems were in place.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Learning culture

Score: 3

We did not look at Learning culture during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.

Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Score: 3

We did not look at Safe systems, pathways and transitions during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.


Score: 3

People and relatives told us people were protected from abuse and felt safe. A person told us, “Yes, I do feel safe here. It’s my home now and the manager and the nurses, all make me feel welcome.” Another person commented, “I feel safe because of everyone being around here. Everything is alright. When I first entered here, I liked it, I said to my brother, yes this is the one. I like it. It’s really good.” A relative said, “I feel assured. Staff are caring. There is nothing untoward going on here. I feel like the staff member who is 1-2-1 with my [family member] loves them. They care for them so well.”

Staff knew about safeguarding processes and had received training in this area. Staff were able to tell us the importance of reporting any concerns to the management team. Staff also felt they could be open to the management team if they had any concerns. The home manager told us the process of safeguarding and that the home worked jointly with the local authority where needed to ensure people were safe at all times.

Observation showed that people felt safe and comfortable at the home and had a positive relationship with staff.

Safeguarding systems were in place. A safeguarding policy was in place that detailed the types of abuse and how to escalate concerns if staff suspected or saw abuse to ensure people were protected. Safeguarding referrals had been made when needed and action taken to ensure people were safe. Audits were carried out to check staff knowledge and competency on safeguarding processes.

Involving people to manage risks

Score: 3

People and relatives told us that staff looked after people well, which included minimising risks to ensure people were safe. A relative told us, “I have no concerns as soon as any safety issues come up, they are dealt with. My [family member] had problems swallowing and now they have a staff member helping them while they eat, this is in case they choke. It’s called 1-2-1 staff support and was put in place straight away.”

The home manager and staff were aware of the importance of having risk assessments to ensure risks were minimised and people received safe care and support at all times. The home manager told us, “Risk assessments are reviewed every month and if there is a deterioration, the review is done then and there.” Staff received risk management training and understood their role in risk management. A staff member commented, “We receive different types of training, which includes risk management and safeguarding and infection control.”

We observed staff had good knowledge about people and supported people safely such as ensuring people were able to mobilise and eat their food safely. At the time of our visit, we saw people engaged in activities within the home. We saw staff encouraging people with activities whilst helping them to remain safe.

People had detailed risk assessments in place describing the support they needed to keep safe. There were risk assessments to ensure people were safe when being supported such as on falls management and skin integrity.

Safe environments

Score: 3

The premises and environment met the needs of people who used the service and were accessible. Premises and fire safety checks had been carried out to ensure the premises was safe to live in. The home manager described the environmental checks they carried out when they did the daily walk around the building and anything they noted of concern was acted upon immediately. We observed the home was safe to live in. The home was clean and tidy, which ensured people were able to move around the home safely. Work was being carried out where needed to ensure the home was safe to live in.

Safe and effective staffing

Score: 3

There was enough staff to support people safely. People and relatives, we spoke to had no concerns about staffing level. A person commented, “It is fine living here, they treat me well, we have chats, they provide me with whatever I need. They ask you, How are you, do you need anything.” A relative told us, “The staff are lovely, very accommodating.” Another relative said, “I am so glad my [family member] is here. Anything you ask for they do. I asked for showering times to be changed, and they sorted that out for me. They listen and understand. Everything they help with, absolutely everything. You’ve got a lot of nice staff here.”

Staff were supported in their role. The home manager told us that staff were supported through training, supervisions and regular contact to ensure staff can receive support. Staff told us that they received regular supervisions and support from the home manager. The home manager told us that staffing was reviewed regularly and they did a needs assessment to ensure staff were deployed effectively. A staff member told us, “Yes. There is (enough staff). More than enough.”

We observed that there were appropriate number of staffing to meet people’s needs and staff supported people safely and knew them well. We observed call bell was responded to promptly by staff. A person told us, “The buzzer, yes you can call and it’s fine they will come.”

There were appropriate numbers of staff on duty to support people safely. We saw staff were available when people wanted them and they responded to people’s requests quickly. Staff rota's confirmed there were enough staff to support people safely. Records showed relevant pre-employment checks, such as criminal record checks, references and proof of the person’s identity had been carried out. Staff had completed key training such as on safeguarding and first aid. Regular supervisions and appraisals had been carried out to ensure staff were supported.

Infection prevention and control

Score: 3

Systems were in place to prevent and minimise the spread of infection to ensure people experience was safe.

The home manager and staff told us the home was always clean and tidy and they had access to infection control products such as handwash to ensure risk of infection was minimised. The home manager told us the home was participating in initiatives with external organisations to ensure infection control systems and hygiene were robust at all times.

We observed the home to be clean and tidy in general. A cleaning rota was in place that evidenced regular cleaning was being carried out. Staff were observed to wear personal protective equipment such as gloves and aprons appropriately. There were handwashing facilities available to all using the service.

An infection control policy was in place and staff had been trained on infection control. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) was readily available and staff confirmed they had access to PPE when needed. A cleaning rota was in place that evidenced regular cleaning of the home was taking place. Food hygiene was being maintained. Infection control audits were being carried out.

Medicines optimisation

Score: 3

People received their medicines safely. A person told us, “Yes, I am supported with my medication. They bring it in.” Another person commented, “They bring them in at the right time.”

Staff told us they were confident of managing medicines. The home manager was able to demonstrate the process in ensuring medicines were managed safely such as training being delivered to staff, competency assessments being carried out and regular checks made on medicine administration and records.

Medicine Administration Records (MARs) showed that medicines had been administered as prescribed. Medicine audits were carried out to ensure people received their medicines safely. Staff had also been trained in medicines management and had competency assessments to ensure they were competent to manage medicines. We observed the medicines were securely stored.