- Homecare service
Helping Hands Christchurch
Report from 3 February 2025 assessment
Our view of the service
Helping Hands Christchurch is a domiciliary care service providing a regulated activity of personal care. The service was providing care and support to people in their own homes. Not everyone who used the service received personal care. CQC only inspects where people receive personal care. This is help with tasks related to personal hygiene and eating. Where they do, we also consider any wider social care provided. At the time of this inspection, there were 26 people using the service. This was a planned inspection of quality statements under the key questions of safe, caring and responsive. The inspection took place between 3 February and 6 February 2025, we visited the office on 5 February 2025. Safeguarding processes meant people were protected from avoidable harm. Staff were confident people were safe. There were enough staff, who were recruited safely and had the necessary skills and training to provide care. Risks to people’s wellbeing were identified, assessed and staff worked in safe ways. People were supported to maintain their independence to keep well. Staff were kind and caring, taking into consideration people’s unique differences. People were supported to keep their independence and were treated with dignity and respect. A staff member told us, “Helping Hands Christchurch allows people to remain motivated in their daily lives and this allows a happier outlook on life, independence is the cornerstone of care.”
People's experience of this service
People told us they were safe with the care and support from Helping Hands Christchurch. Relatives told us their loved ones were happy with their visits from staff. A relative said, “They always look forward to their visits. I am happy with how they treat them and how chatty and engaging they are.” People told us they were seen by a regular team of staff, who were trained and understood their needs. A person told us, “ I am always grateful for their support.” People were involved in their care, this included regular reviews. People and their relatives told us they knew how to make a complaint or speak to staff about any concerns. A relative said, “Staff have built a strong relationship with us.” People and their relatives were complimentary about the leadership of the service. A relative told us, “With Helping Hands Christchurch, I feel truly blessed.”