- NHS hospital
Worcestershire Royal Hospital
Report from 8 April 2024 assessment
Ratings - Urgent and emergency services
Our view of the service
The urgent and emergency care services opened its redesigned building in Summer 2023. The purpose built building has 18 adult major illness and injury cubicles, 6 rapid assessment triage cubicles for patients arriving by ambulance, 7 resuscitation cubicles and 8 ambulatory majors' cubicles. In addition to this, 10 patients can be cared for on the corridor as a last resort. There is a dedicated paediatric unit with 6 cubicles as well as a minor injuries unit and general practitioner space. A same day emergency care unit moved to a new unit in December 2022. The consultant led service is a major trauma unit for a population of around 6 million people in the Hereford and Worcester area. It is open 24 hours seven days a week. The urgent and emergency care service was last inspected in November 2022 and the report published in April 2023 and was rated as requires improvement. We carried out this assessment following information of concern around waiting times. We inspected 9 quality statements across the safe, effective, responsive and well led domains. The scores for these areas have led to a requires improvement rating for this service.
People's experience of this service
Peoples experience was mixed. Some patients were pleased with their care and treatment and other patients told us it did not meet their specific needs. Some patients waited a long time and not always in the most suitable environment. Most people said staff were caring and hard working.