• Mental Health
  • Independent mental health service

Pine House Rehabilitation Unit

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

Yorkshire Street, Bacup, OL13 9AE (01706) 619300

Provided and run by:
Kibo Hospital Services Limited

Report from 23 October 2024 assessment


Requires improvement

Updated 30 January 2025

This means we looked for evidence that people were protected from abuse and avoidable harm. At our last assessment we rated this key question inadequate. At this assessment the rating has changed to requires improvement. We assessed seven quality statements in the safe key question. The service was in breach of regulation for people’s safe care and treatment and the environment of the service. At this assessment, although improvements had been made to the environment since the last inspection, environmental issues regarding maintenance and decoration remained, in particular on Aspen ward. Processes that the provider had in place to log and monitor ongoing areas such as safeguarding, maintenance and learning from incidents were not always robust and detailed. Staff on the wards could not locate documentation regarding the safety of the environment, such as the ligature risk assessment, along with patient emergency evacuation plans which would be required in an emergency. However, the service had implemented a daily morning staff huddle at which essential areas for the safety of the service were discussed and reviewed. The service had undertaken work on supporting staff and trying to ensure that there was a consistent and permanent staff team to support patients. Patients that we spoke to generally felt safe within the service.