- Care home
Eston Lodge care home
Report from 11 November 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Eston Lodge Care Home is a care home providing accommodation and personal care for older adults, younger adults and people living with dementia. It is registered to accommodate up to 49 people. At the time of the assessment there were 21 people resident at the home. Dates of assessment 28 January 2025 to 18 February 2025. At the last inspection in March 2023, we rated the home requires improvement and found a breach of regulation relating to governance and oversight, the management of medicines and care plans. This assessment was undertaken to follow up on those breaches. At this inspection we found the service had made improvements and the breach was now met. The service is now rated good. The registered manager, deputy manager and care staff knew people well and worked together to provide safe, person-centred care which met people’s needs and preferences. Risks were assessed and mitigated. Associated care plans were now in place which people had been involved in. People’s medicines were managed safely, and some improvements were ongoing in relation to medicine records and oversight. Governance systems had improved, and a new assurance process was in place, which aimed to provide increased oversight. Plans were in place to evaluate the system to ensure its effectiveness.
People's experience of this service
People were supported by staff who knew them well, understood their needs and respected their decisions. People, and their relatives, were complimentary of the care provided at Eston Lodge Care Home. Comments from people included, “I only have good reports, everyone is helpful” and “Staff are lovely, I’ve no complaints!” Relatives said, “Staff are all lovely and they keep my relative happy, so I am happy” and “Staff are lovely, and they know my relative well.” People and relatives also commented on how well the staff knew people and how they respected people’s wishes. One relative said, “My relatives needs are met and there is nothing I would improve.”