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  • Care home

Eston Lodge care home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Normanby Road, Eston, Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire, TS6 9AE (01642) 456222

Provided and run by:
Premier Nursing Homes Limited

Report from 11 November 2024 assessment

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Updated 24 February 2025

Responsive – this means we looked for evidence that the provider met people’s needs. At our last assessment we rated this key question requires improvement and identified a regulatory breach in relation to the governance of care records. At this assessment improvements had been made and the rating has changed to good. This meant people’s needs were met through good organisation and delivery.

This service scored 68 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Person-centred Care

Score: 3

People were at the centre of their care and treatment choices. Care plans had improved, and people’s needs and preferences were now recorded. Staff engaged with people in a positive manner, knew people well and were aware of their individual needs and preferences. Staff worked together to tailor the support people received, for example, in relation to specific communication needs. The registered manager was driving person centred care through discussions in staff meetings, explaining specific needs and the reason to meet them, for example, in relation to positional changes, skin integrity and continence care. Care plans were reviewed and audited to ensure they were person centred.

Care provision, Integration and continuity

Score: 3

The diverse health and care needs of people were understood so care was joined-up, flexible and supported choice and continuity. Systems were in place to support the monitoring of incidents, accidents and falls. Appropriate and timely referrals were made to health care professionals, including GP’s, dietitians and the falls team.

Providing Information

Score: 3

We did not look at Providing Information during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.

Listening to and involving people

Score: 3

There were a range of measures in place to support people to share feedback and ideas or raise complaints about their care and support. People were included in care planning and reviews of their care. Resident and relative meetings were held and suggestions responded to. One person commented it was good that they could be involved in menu planning. Feedback was also sought via surveys, and a suggestion box was available. Action plans were in place in relation to ‘Things we could do Better’, following engagement with people and relatives. This included having more involvement in care planning and medicines management. Complaints were recorded, responded to and monitored for themes. Learning had taken place, for example in relation to making sure information on pre-admission assessments was up to date, if it had been completed more than a week before someone moved into the home.

Equity in access

Score: 2

We did not look at Equity in access during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.

Equity in experiences and outcomes

Score: 2

We did not look at Equity in experiences and outcomes during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.

Planning for the future

Score: 3

People were supported to plan for important life changes, so they could have enough time to make informed decisions about their future, including at the end of their life.